Sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars
Sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars

And the reason I brought back this example file for us is because it actually contains an irregular bar and provides you with a good reason to use one. It will help to understand what an irregular bar is first before you try to add one. Now the second option with this feature is to add what Sibelius calls an irregular bar. And then click OK and that's going to load three bars into my mouse and I'm going to click those right here after bar eight, and there they are. So Escape and then choose Add Multiple or Irregular Bars, and when you get the dialog window you can type the number of bars you'd like to add. I'm going to go ahead and Escape, and I'll load a few bars into the mouse.

sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars

First, if you want to add a bunch of bars to the middle of your score at once, you can do this by either loading in them in your mouse and clicking them onto the page or you can make a selection and Sibelius will add them after the selection. The other add bar feature in the drop-down menu is called Add Multiple or Irregular Bars, and it's actually two features in one. So this feature will definitely come in handy as you're copying and creating music when you need to add a bar to your score, somewhere other than at the end.


The shortcut for Add Single Bar is Control + Shift + B on Windows or Command + Shift + B on Mac, and you can try that as well, make a selection, run that shortcut, and it adds a bar to the right of your selection. Now try this one more way, go ahead and select a bar in the score, and we're going to add a bar to the right of that, by going up to the Home tab to the Bars group, the drop-down for Add, Add Single Bar, and it adds a single bar to the right of your selection. That loads it in the mouse, you can hover next to a bar line and click, and Sibelius will expel a bar onto the page to the right of wherever you clicked. Escape so that nothing is selected, choose Add Single Bar. First, the Add Single Bar command is what you'll use when you want to add a single bar to the right of any selection, or with nothing selected in the score, selecting this option will load the mouse with a single bar so that you can click it wherever you want to in the score.

sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars

There are however two additional ways to add bars to your score in Sibelius. Here you can see that the first choice for adding bars is Add Bar At End, and that's what we've been doing using the shortcut Control or Command + B. There are actually three ways to add bars to your score and you can see all of them at the Home tab, Bars group, by clicking on the disclosure triangle under the word Add.

sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars

For a while now I've been having you use the shortcut Control or Command + B to add bars to your score.

Sibelius 5 back to back repeat bars